In the nearest future European Space Agency (ESA) and Roscosmos will sign agreements on joint implementation of scientific experiments onboard the ISS for 2017-2018, the Head of Astronautics and ISS Science Operation Department Martin Zell told journalists at MAKS-2013 Airshow on Friday.
According to him at the present time there are 11 joint European-Russian science experiments being carried out onboard the ISS, some of them are still at the first stages of implementation, others are being developed for quite a long time.
“Besides currently we have 14 long-term experiments being at the initial stage of implementation. For some of them science protocols are already signed and the equipment is ready. In two weeks ESA and Roscosmos will sign agreements on joint implementation of new group of scientific experiments for 2017-2018. Every experiment needs a separate agreement”, – Zell stated.
Among new experiments there will be Brain-DTI experiment aimed to explore space impact on central nervous system using magnetic-resonance tomography methods, – he specified.
Moreover there will be experiments exploring space impact on cognitive and motor functions of the human, Russian Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre equipment will be used to carry out these experiments.
Zell reported that there also will be an experiment studying human cardiovascular and pulmonary system under space conditions, – RIA-Novosti reports.
Image credit – Roscosmos