A final assembly of the “Proton-M” space launch vehicle started at the Baikonur cosmodrome.
It will launch the Russian communications and television satellite “Yamal-601” in the interests of the satellite operator Gazprom Space Systems.
Yesterday, specialists from the Russian and foreign rocket and space industry, participating in the launch campaign, performed final checks of the space rocket head part.
Then, the head part with “Yamal-601” satellite, installed on the “Breeze-M” upper stage, and the head fairing was moved to the final assembly hall.
The schedule for the next few days includes the mechanical and electrical assembly of the head part with the “package” of the three stages of the “Proton-M” launch vehicle, the following joint electrical tests, the installation of the pipes (to ensure the thermal regime of the spacecraft, located under the fairing), and installation of protective thermal cover on the head fairing.
After the completion of the final assembly of the space rocket, its preparation for transportation to the technological refueling site for refueling of the “Breeze-M” upper stage will begin.
The operations on the refueling site will complete the preparation of the rocket, performed at the technical complex, before it’s roll out to the launch pad.