Specialists at the “Vostochny” Cosmodrome on the Refueling Station completed the refueling of the “Fregat” upper stage with fuel components.
The upper stage is transported to the spacecraft installation and test facility and installed in the space head unit assembly jig.
Small space vehicles have already been installed on the transition truss, and the “Canopus-B” remote sensing satellites № 5 and 6 are being prepared for installation on the transition truss.
On December 20, a general assembly of the space head is planned, and the next day, its transportation to the launch-rockets assembly and test facility.
The specialists of Roscosmos enterprises in accordance with the schedule started the final preparational operations on the launch vehicle.
The general assembly of the launch vehicle (LV) is scheduled for December 23.
Also on December 23 a meeting of the state commission will be held, which will decide on the readiness of the LV to be transported to the launch complex.
If a positive decision will be made, the transportation of a LV to the launch complex and its installation into the launch system will be held on December 24, 2018.
The launch of the “Soyuz-2.1a” launch vehicle with Russian satellites for remote sensing of the earth and monitoring of emergency situations “Kanopus-B” №% 5 and 6 is scheduled for December 27, 2018.
This will be the fourth launch from the new Russian cosmodrome.