July 9, 2020
Categories: ISS, Progress, Russia, Space

Today, on July 9, 2020, in accordance with the International Space Station (ISS) flight program, the mission of the Progress MS-13 transport cargo vehicle was successfully completed. On Wednesday at 21:22 Moscow time, the ship was undocked with the station.

On July 9, at 00:31 Moscow time, the propulsion system of the Progress MS-13 cargo ship was switched on for braking. Four minutes later, the work was complited, and the ship continued to decline.

In accordance with the calculated data of the specialists of the TsNIImash Mission Control Center (part of Roscosmos State Corporation), at 01:05 Moscow time, the Progress MS-13 cargo ship entered the Earth’s atmosphere. The fall of non-combustible structural elements of the ship occurred in the non-navigable region of the Pacific Ocean, about 1,800 km southeast of the city of Wellington (New Zealand).

Photo credit: Roscosmos

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