June 20, 2013
Categories: ESA, GCTC, ISS, JAXA, NASA, Roscosmos, Russia

Water survival training on the basis of 179 Centre of Russian Federation Ministry of Civil Defense and Emergency Response (Moscow Region, Noginsk)  started on June 18 and will last till July 9, 2013. 4 assigned crews going to space in 2014 and 2015 and 3 conditional crews consisting of cosmonaut candidates from General Space Training group-2012 and GCTC instructors will take part in simulations.

Test and training team made up of instructors, doctors, psychologists, divers, interpreters and other GCTC specialists as well as NASA and JAXA representatives will provide for training preparation and implementation. Before real simulations both assigned and conditional crews completed theoretical course.

On  the 18th of June ISS 43-44 (Yuri Lonchakov (Roscosmos), Mikhail Korniyenko (Roscosmos), Scott Kelly (NASA) and ISS 44/45 (Oleg Kononenko (Roscosmos), Kimiya Yui (JAXA), Kjell Lindgren ( NASA) started their trainings.

On the 1st training day the cosmonauts had familiarization with the timeline and practiced descent module escape. Besides cosmonauts and astronauts tried on the equipment. On June 19 the crews  passed so called “dry” simulation meaning that they will practice evacuation from descent module ashore while during the real “long lasting” training descent module will be in water.

Image credit – GCTC

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