June 10, 2015
Categories: ISS, Roscosmos, Soyuz, Space

 The thrusters of Soyuz TMA-15M spaceship docked with the ISSwere unexpectedly ignited during the scheduled Kurs approaching and docking radio system testing. The ISS orbit changed insignificantly.

On June 09 at 18.32, Moscow time during planned testing of the ISS and Soyuz approaching and docking radio system spacecraft thrusters were unexpectedly ignited operating for several seconds and thus leading to insignificant changes in ISS altitude. All measures necessary for ISS stabilization have been taken, – Roscosmos reports.

Federal Space Agency point out that there are no threats to the ISS crews and no obstacles for Soyuz TMA-15M spacecrafts planned landing.

The causes are being investigated.


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