The launch of four Rezonans satellites aimed at Earth’s radiation belt exploration is planned for 2017-2018, – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Anatoly Petrukovich working for the Institute of Space Explorations of Russian Academy of Science reported at COSPAR conference held in Moscow.
“We managed to include Rezonans project aimed at Earth’s radiation belt exploration in Federal Space Program. The project involves 12 countries, but 4 space devices are to de designed by Lavochkin Research and production centre”, – Petrukovich stated.
He pointed out that the experiment deals with relativistic electrons making up the basis of radiation belt and presenting the main threat for telecommunication satellites operation on geostationary orbit.
“These unique experiments with the help of Rezonans space devices will enable us to explore the processes of electrons acceleration in case of interaction with electromagnetic waves of high time resolution (up to 10 m/s)”, – the scientist noted.