May 22, 2015
Categories: Astronomy, Russia, Science, Space

Asteroid danger is one of the main threats to the mankind, – stated cosmonaut Alexei Leonov twice Hero of the Soviet Union speaking on Tuesday in London Science Museum.

“We have conducted a thorough study of asteroid danger and we’ve made a conclusion that it is the main threat to the mankind for today. To protect ourselves we have to join our efforts”, – he believes.

“We need to use our latest achievements in the field of science and technologies, our most powerful boosters to de-orbit it or destroy it splitting into several smaller parts using blast so that it doesn’t cause much damage to the Earth.

We have addressed UNO, but got no reply yet”.

As Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations reported there are 11 asteroids from 7 meters to 1 kilometers able to reach the Earth in the nearest 35 years.

To large space objects belong those asteroids more that 1 kilometer in diameter. According to Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2015 the Earth will not face the danger of such asteroids coming closer.

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