The anthropomorphic robot Skybot F-850, which docked on the “Soyuz MS-14” spacecraft to the International Space Station on August 27, 2019, was placed in the small Search Module (MIM-2).
Cosmonauts of Roscosmos Alexey Ovchinin and Alexander Skvortsov begin to work with the robot as part of the “Test” experiment.
The purpose of the space experiment is to study the possibilities of using a remotely controlled anthropomorphic robot in manned transport vehicles of a new generation.
Currently, equipment is being diagnosed in the module of the Russian segment of the station.
The anthropomorphic robot Skybot F-850 was created by the NPO “Android Technics” company according to the order of the Advanced Research Foundation for the technical task of the Ministry of Emergencies.
The goal of the project is the development of technology for combined control of a robotic platform, based on feedback elements of sensors.