September 17, 2018
Categories: History, Russia

On September 17, 1857, in the village of Izhevsk Ryazan region was born an outstanding Russian scientist, researcher and inventor Konstantin  Tsiolkovsky.

For more than a century has passed since the publication of the first scientific articles and popular scientific works of Tsiolkovsky, in which he described the principles of space flights.

Today, many of his  ideas are embodied in modern carrier rockets, orbital stations, spacesuits, life support systems, etc.

One of the greatest technical and scientific achievements is the creation of technologies to conquer the space.

The brilliant Russian scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky became one of the founders of modern cosmonautics.

His ideas of the “space train,” the theory of jet propulsion and rocket dynamics, a description of the fundamental designs of rocket engines, mathematical justifications and calculations formed the basis of knowledge and technology, that allowed humanity to enter the Earth’s orbit.

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