Preparation works for the launch of Proton-M booster with Inmarsat 5F-1 space devices are carried out in accordance with the schedule, – Khrunichev Centre press-office reports.
Main works are conducted in 111 hall of 92-A50 integration building where upon completion of all tests in 101 hall space nose cone was delivered to be assembled with the booster itself.
Last weekend Khrunichev Centre and other rocket and space industries specialists finished general assembling of the space rocket and conducted all planned electrical tests.
In the morning of December 3 space rocket was rolled-out from integration building to the propellant service unit where low-pressure tanks of the upper stage will be fueled. The fuelling operations will take several days. Then the booster will be delivered to the launch pad.
Inmarsat 5F-1 space device launch with help of Proton-M booster is scheduled for December 8.
Image credit – Khrunichev space center