The facilities for Vostochny spaceport have been entirely produced. There is no schedule delay. That was the subject of discussion during the visit of Roscosmos Head Oleg Ostapenko to Vostochny spaceport. The specialists informed him that the construction is under way 24 hours a day, and by the end of the year the number of workers will be increased from 8500 to 10000 people, says Amur-info.
Besides all the main cosmodrome sites are planned to be plugged in heating till the 10th of October to conduct fit-out works and assemble the equipment. By new year all the facilities should be set. For the moment the half of all the technical equipment came to the construction site, the other half is still in the plants.
15% of the facilities have already been assembled. Oleg Ostapenko also inspected the construction of the launch pad – the most important site of spaceport from which the rocket launch is planned to be held next year. By the end of August the concreting should be finished.