Two satellites designed by Samara State Aerospace University students and scientists are planned to be launched in the framework of the first launch from Vostochny spaceport late 2015.
According to University press office these are Aist-2 small satellite equipped with Earth remote sensing device being developed by the University in cooperation with Progress Rocket and Space Centre specialists and SamSat-218 training nanosatellite aimed to show navigational and control technologies.
Earlier it was reported that Lomonosov satellite designed by Moscow State University specialists will be launched in the framework of first launch from Vostochny either. This satellite is supposed to be space laboratory studying extreme phenomena of the Universe, particularly gamma-ray bursts and highest-energy space rays.
Samara State Aerospace University is one of few world universities having their own orbital group of satellites and data receipt and processing complex.
Since 2013 two Aist satellites designed by University’s scientists and students in cooperation with Progress Rocket and Space Centre have been operating on the orbit.
Both space devices are designed to solve educational, scientific and experimental tasks.
New Russian spaceport Vostochny is being constructed near Uglegork town in Amur region. The first booster’s launch is planned for 2015, manned launch – for 2018.