February 11, 2019
Categories: Satellites, Soyuz

Customers, launching small devices and devices of the “Kubsat” type weighing from 1 kg to 120 kg on Russian “Soyuz-2” rockets will be able to quickly find out the preliminary cost of launching into orbit using a specially developed calculator on the Glavkosmos Lauch Services website.

The calculator for calculating the launch price of the devices allows you to get a price quote for launching the spacecraft within 1 business day, which allows customers to quickly plan missions and receive regular updates in terms of questions of interest.

The cost depends on the mass-dimensional parameters of the device, the characteristics of the orbit, the need to use a container for “Kubsat”-type devices, the availability of a system for separating and fueling its propulsion system, the terms for concluding a contract, and satellite insurance.

The proposal for launching the device may include the cost of insuring of the ground preparation and transportation of the spacecraft and insurance services for launching a satellite until the moment of separation.

The option can be added to the contract, and its value can be immediately calculated in the calculator.

Package insurance offers are submitted by “MARSH” company.

The calculator is a convenient solution, that gives the customer the opportunity to plan launches comfortably and quickly, directly from the operator of the “Soyuz-2” launch vehicle from the Russian cosmodromes – Glavkosmos Launch Services.

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