December 1, 2018

Today, on December 1, the carrier rocket “Soyuz-FG” with manned spacecraft “Soyuz MS-11” was rolled-out from the assembly and testing facility and installed at the launch complex № 1 “Gagarinsky start” at the Baikonur cosmodrome.

Work began on the program of the first launch day.

On December 2, on the meeting of the State Commission the crews will be approved, and then the cosmonauts and astronauts will answer questions from media representatives at a prelaunch press conference.

The launch of the carrier rocket “Soyuz-FG” with “Soyuz MS-11” spacecraft is scheduled for 14:31 (Moscow time) on December 3.

The main crew of ISS-58/59 expedition: cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko, astronauts David Saint-Jacques and Anne McClain.

Their backups — Alexander Skvortsov, Luca Parmitano and Andrew Morgan.






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