Category : Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center
January 26, 2016

Today, on Tuesday, Proton-M booster with Eutelsat-9B European telecommunication satellite was installed on the launchpad of Baikonur spaceport as planned, - Khrunichev Centre representative reports.

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June 25, 2015

Airbus Defence and Space Khrunichev Centre started negotiating the use of Angara booster instead Rokot, - the spokesman reports.

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June 8, 2015

Launch schedule of Proton boosters will be announced next week, - khrunichev Centre head Andrei Kalinovsky said the journalists on Monday. The schedule may be adjusted taking into account the accident happened on May 16, 2015, when Mexican MexSat-1 satellite was lost.

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June 4, 2015

The newest Russian heavy booster Angara-A5 will insert commercial satellite in the orbit during the next launch scheduled for 2016,- Khrunichev Centre Head Andrei Kalinovsky reported.

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June 1, 2015

Pump unit and the construction fixing it to Proton-M booster cruise engine will be modernized in the shortest term, - Khrunichev Centre Director Deputy Alexander Medvedev reported.

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February 25, 2015

Preparation works for the launch of Proton-M booster with Briz-M upper stage and Russian Express-AM7 satellite started at Baikonur spaceport Khrunichev centre press office reports. At the present time the specialists accomplish works on autonomous preparations of Proton-M booster and other compounds of the payload.

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February 2, 2015

At 15.31, Moscow time, February 01, 2015, rocket and space industry launching crews of Baikonur spaceport successfully launched Proton-M booster with Briz-M upper stage and inmarsat-5F2 space device from #200 launchpad of Baikonur.

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December 26, 2014

Proton-M booster with European Astra-2G telecommunication satellite will be launched from Baikonur spaceport on Sunday, - Roscosmos spokesman reported.

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December 23, 2014

On December 23, 2014 at 08.57, Moscow time, The first Angara-A5 heavy booster was successfully launched from Plesetsk spaceport. It means that now Russia has a new up-to-date ecologically friendly heavy booster, - Roscosmos Head Oleg Ostapenko stated.

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December 10, 2014

Last weekend specialists started general assembling of Proton-M booster in 92-A50 integration building. The booster will launch Russian Yamal-401 telecommunication satellite in mid-December, - Khrunichev Centre press office reports.

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