Category : RSC Energia
July 8, 2020

Ozar worked for a long time at the head of Sukhoi PJSC, under his leadership the most successful integrated structure of the domestic aircraft industry was created there, which is capable of not only creating the best military aircraft in the world, but also has become a successful financial organization, ”cited in message word Rogozin.

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May 21, 2020

25 years ago, on May 20, 1995, the "Proton-K" launch vehicle with the "Spectrum" research module was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome under the construction program for the world's first multimodular manned orbital complex "Mir".

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February 27, 2020

Specialists of the RSC "Energia" (part of the Roskosmos State Corporation), in accordance with the pre-flight test schedule at the Baikonur Cosmodrome, continues to work with the "Soyuz MS-16" manned spacecraft.

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November 12, 2019

At the Baikonur Cosmodrome preparations are continuing for the launch of the "Progress MS-13" cargo ship.

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October 30, 2019

At the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky performed a test phase of the manned transport ship "OREL", which is being developed at RSC "Energia" (part of the Roscosmos State Corporation).

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September 19, 2019

Specialists of the RSC "Energia" (part of Roscosmos State Corporation) at the Baikonur Cosmodrome continue preparations for the launch of the "Soyuz-FG" launch vehicle with the "Soyuz MS-15" spacecraft to the International Space Station.

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September 7, 2019

The descent vehicle of the "Soyuz MS-14" spacecraft with the anthropomorphic robot "Skybot F-850" on September 7, 2019 at 00:32 (Moscow time) made a successful landing.

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August 5, 2019

At the Baikonur Cosmodrome the staff of the RSC "Energia" (part of the Roscosmos State Corporation) and the specialized enterprises of Roscosmos continue to work with the "Soyuz MS-14" spacecraft. The launch of the "Soyuz-2.1a" launch vehicle with the "Soyuz MS-14" spacecraft is scheduled for August 22, 2019 from launch pad № 31 of the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

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May 15, 2019

On May 14 specialists of RSC "Energia" and "Yuzhny" Space Center performed the transportation of the "Soyuz MS-13" spacecraft into a vacuum chamber at the Baikonur cosmodrome for further leak tests. The launch of the "Soyuz MS-13" spacecraft to the International Space Station is scheduled for July 20, 2019 from the Baikonur cosmodrome.

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March 30, 2019

At the Baikonur cosmodrome, preparational works continues for the launch of the "Progress MS-11" cargo spacecraft. Today, in accordance with the schedule, RSC "Energia" specialists performed a design inspection of the ship and technological operations of rolling the head fairing of the launch vehicle "Soyuz-2.1a". The launch of the "Progress MS-11" cargo spacecraft by the "Soyuz-2.1a" launch vehicle from the Baikonur cosmodrome is scheduled for April 4, 2019.

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