On the 7th of March, 1960 the landmark event in the history of space exploration occurred – exactly on that date the first 12 people were enrolled in the cosmonaut squad.
Later on their names became known all over the world because those were people who completed the first ever human spaceflight, the first spacewalk, the first orbital docking of two spacecrafts.
They became the symbols of courage, examples to emulate and idols for millions of Soviet citizens.
Today space technologies make a huge progress – spacecrafts are upgraded in tune with the times, science experiments on orbital stations become more and more complicated.
And Roscosmos cosmonaut squad of today honorably take over a job from The Firsts, multiplying the achievements of manned cosmonautics for the benefit of Motherland and mankind.
Please accept our heartiest congratulations on the anniversary! Wishing the cosmonaut squad to meet the new challenges and scale new space heights!