On July 25, 1984, Soviet woman-cosmonaut Svetlana Savitskaya performed her spacewalk spending 3 hours 35 minutes in the open space. She became the first woman performing EVA.
Her first space flight was lasting from August 19 to August 27, 1982. That time Savitskaya went to space as research cosmonaut onboard Soyuz T7 spacecraft and worked onboard Salyut 7 station. Second space flight took place in July 1984 (from July 17 to July 29). She went to space onboard Soyuz T 12 spacecraft as flight engineer together with Vladimir Dzhanibekov and Igor Volk.
On July 25, 1984m together with Vladimir Dzhanibekov she performed her first spacewalk. During the spacewalk the cosmonauts tested new tool for metal wending, cutting and brazing designed by Paton Institute of Electric Welding.