Proton-M booster with American telecommunication satellite Intelsat DLA-2 was successfully launched from Baikonur spaceport today, on Thursday, June 09, at 10.10, Moscow time.
The launch was performed on the back up date, initially it was planned for Wednesday but postponed because of the problems with ground electrical equipment of the launchpad.
Intelsat DLA-2 space device was made by Space System Loral (USA) against the order of Intelsat (USA) satellite telecommunication operator. The satellite weighting more than 6 tons has 10 C-range data relay channels and 72 Ku-range transponders.
Intelsat will be inserted into geostationary earth orbit and will be providing broadcasting services for Latin America over the next 15 years.
As Roscosmos representative reported Briz-M upper stage with the satellite has already successfully separated from the booster.