January 20, 2015

British singer Sarah Brightman will pass survival trainings in a near-Moscow forest on January 23, – GCTC press office reported.

On Friday, from 09.00 up to 16.00 the crew including Sarah Brightman will be having survival trainings in forest region, – the spokesman stated.  According to him Russian cosmonaut Sergey Volkov, European astronaut Andreas Mogensen  and Sarah Brightman are to light a fire, cook dinner, build a shelter using parachute of Soyuz descent module and wait for the rescue teams to find them.

GCTC representative also specified that practical trainings will follow theoretical instructions on survival in marshy and forested area Sarah Brightman had already listened to on Monday. The beginning of the lecture o Soyuz spaceship  design and configuration was planned for 16.00, Monday, January 19.

On Tuesday the singer will have Russian and survival classes. Brightman also has to go in for sports: she has to attend swimming pool, go skiing and attend gym and devote to physical exercises at least 4 hours a week.

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