Previous week two assigned ISS crews made up of Alexander Samokutyaev, Elena Serova, Barry Wilmore and Anton Shkaplerov , Samantha Cristoforetti, Terry Werst had their water survival trainings. Firstly they practiced these trainings in GCTC and then on site on the basis of 179 Centre of Russian Federation Ministry of Civil Defense and Emergency Response (Moscow Region, Noginsk).
On Wednesday the crew members practiced “dry” training aimed to prepare them to act in off-nominal situation after water landing as well as to practice skills of operator performance in descent module.
Besides the crews learn to cooperate with Search and rescue teams. According to time history the training practices Sokol spacesuits removal, change into flight suits, heat protecting suits and Forel waterproof suits inside the descent module.
On Thursday and Friday the crews had their “short” and “long” trainings. The “long” one to large extent is similar to “dry” one, but the descent module being in water. After suit change the crew leaves the descent module taking personal survival kit and splashes. Then they form a group and report the Search and rescue team about their readiness for evacuation. At this stage safe and quick evacuation of the crew depends on Search and rescue team prompt actions .
According to “short” training condition after splashdown the crew finds a leak in the descent module. The aim of the “short” training is to leave the descent module in spacesuits urgently within 8-9 minutes. The “short” training lasts for about 30 minutes.
The crews executed the full time history of the trainings and successfully coped with all tasks.
The tranings were provided by GCTC specialists and specialists from other organizations including instructors, divers, doctors, psychologists, etc.
General Space Training group (2012 year admission)will also pass the same training.