We are glad to announce first zero-g flight dates for the next year: April 14 and April 28. Group admission is on!
Zero-g flight aboard Russian Ilyushin-76 MDK flying laboratory will give you a unique opportunity to experience real space weightlessness floating and flying like astronauts onboard the ISS. Take your chance to challenge the gravity – breathtaking impressions and unforgettable emotions guaranteed!
Next year our Company celebrates a 20-years anniversary. For this period we have met a lot of special people and arranged a plenty of tours both standard and tailor-made making space closer to the earthlings including a great deal of zero-gravity flights.
Apart from the entertaining programs we also facilitated implementation of important artistic and scientific projects. For instance in 2014 in collaboration with our foreign partners we arranged zero-gravity flight for a team of Mexican media artists exploring the phenomena of gravity.
This project resulted in an exhibition “Matters of Gravity” hosted by Polytech museum and dedicated to the 125th Anniversary of Russian –Mexican Diplomatic Relations.
You too can enjoy zero-g experience beyond imagination! Book your flight via contact form on our website zerogravitytour.com or via whatsapp +7 925 506-32-23.