Russian Soyuz-ST boosters will be launched 4 times from European Kourou spaceport (South America) in 2014, – the Head of Russian ESA office Rene Pischel reported.
“There is a contract concluded for 5 Galileo-FOC (full operation capability) space devices with the help of Soyuz-ST boosters, i.e. 10 space devices are to be orbited. The first two launches were scheduled for this year, one launch was shifted from the previous year”, – he stated.
Besides Sentinel-1A scientific space device launch with the help of Soyuz-ST booster is also scheduled for 2014.
According to Pischel ILS consortium being the world market operator of launch services with the help of Proton boosters operator offered its services on Galileo space devices launch.
Moreover Galileo satellite launch is also planned to be performed with the help of European Ariane booster in the nearest future.