On August 19, 1960 Sputnik-5 spacecraft with Belka and Strelka was inserted into the orbit. Apart from the dogs mice, insects, plants, fungi, seeds, bacteria and other biological objects were also onboard the spacecraft.
Belka and Strelka were the 3rd dog crew launched to the orbit. The first dog in space launched in 1957 was Laika. Belka and Strelka space flight enabled to study the possibility of human orbital flight since in the course of this legendary flight the scientists got unique data about space flight agents impact.
After the flight both dogs lived in the Institute for Aviation And Space Medical Issues and were being brought to different schools and kindergartens. Six months after the flight Strelka gave birth to 6 healthy puppets. One of them was presented to the USA President’s wife. Belka and Strelka lived a long life and reached old age.