The next launch of Russian-Ukrainian carrier rocket “Dnepr”, based on intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) RS-20 (classified by NATO as the SS-18 Satan), will take place on November twenties this year in Orenburg region, Russia’s Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) commander, colonel-general Sergey Karakaev told journalists on Thirsday.
“The preparation of Dnepr booster is on schedule, the launch will happen in the third ten-day period of November”, —Karakaev said. He also specified that carrier rocket is to be launched from Yasny launch base in Orenburg region.
The upcoming launch of Dnepr will be the second in this year. On August 22 Dnepr successfully orbited South Korea’s KompSat-5, Earth-remote-sensing satellite.
Conversion of ICBM RS-20 into “Dnepr” carrier rockets is provided by the international space company Kosmotras. The launches take place from Baikonur spaceport and Yasny launch base of Russia’s Strategic Missile Forces in the southern Urals (Orenburg region). Since 1999, a total of 65 spacecraft from 15 countries have been orbited during 18 successful launches of Dnepr.