Preparation works for the launch of Soyuz-2.1b booster with Fregat upper stage, Meteor-M satellite and a series of smaller space devices are under way at Baikonur spaceport.
On June 23 at night Lavochkin Centre and Yuzhny Space Centre specialists successfully finished filling Fregat upper stage with propellant components and pressurized gases. In the morning they started operations to prepare upper stage for transportation from the fuel service area to the integration building of #31 launchpad. After that the upper stage will be installed on the working position and operational crews will start assembling works.
Today in the morning the specialist also started preparing #31 launchpad equipment for the future launch.
The launch of Soyuz-2.1b booster with Fregat-M upper stage, Meteor-M satellite and other small space devices is planned for July 8, 2014.